After I made the Scrap Cushion back in February, I thought it looked a little lonely so decided to make another one to go on the sofa too... and here is the finished article...It doesn't match, but I thought that keeping the theme the same, (scraps of fabric, appliquéd on) with the same base cushion cover it would look roughly like they were meant to go together.

The middle "flower" of blue, with cream with small blue flowers is actually something my Mum started years ago, I think we are talking before I was born, so a good 26....I thought it was about time it saw the light and now it is useful too!!!

Some of the better blanket stitch, by the end of the pillow, I was losing the will to live, I don't think I will ever be a dedicated embroiderer as I am FAR too impatient!!! Maybe next-time I can work out a way to use the machine to embroider....

So there it is, I hope you like it, please keep voting for me in the Little Blog Awards, I'm currently 3rd, would love to hold that place or climb higher. More crafts coming up later in the week, also going to a friends tonight to craft with her and her kids, should be great!!!
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